Slow-Healing Scars: The Pandemic’s Legacy
Recessions wreak havoc and the damage is often long-lived. Businesses shut down, investment spending is cut, and people out of work can lose skills and motivation as the months stretch on. But the…
Tourism Trauma and COVID-19
Pandemic-related lockdowns, flight cancellations, and border closures may be putting a crimp on summer vacation plans. However, the precipitous drop in tourism will have an outsized impact on countries that rely on foreign…
[INFOGRAPHICS] H1’20 Top and Bottom Line of Cement Companies in Nigeria
Nigerian cement companies recorded aggregate growth in their revenues and net income for the half year ended Jun’2020. From our analysis, we highlight that cement volumes actually declined for the companies during the…
Next Phase of the Crisis: Further Action Needed for a Resilient Recovery
When G20 finance ministers and central bank governors last met in April, the world was in the midst of the Great Lockdown forced by the outbreak of COVID-19. As they meet virtually this…
Fiscal Policies for a Transformed World
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already prompted an unprecedented fiscal policy response of close to $11 trillion worldwide. But with confirmed cases and fatalities still rising fast, policymakers will have to keep the…
Germany: The Troubled Giant
So far in 2020, the industrial giant of EU zone has been badly hit as a result of several factors in the global space, causing further pain for the economy. In January 2020,…
What Beer Sales Tell us about the Recession
Craft beer sales are surging at stores, but craft breweries are still struggling. Cheap beer is surging, but it’s still losing market share. That’s because the economics of the beer business are complicated.…
Reopening from the Great Lockdown: Uneven and Uncertain Recovery
Compared to the April World Economic Outlook forecast, the IMF now projects a deeper recession in 2020 and a slower recovery in 2021. Global output is projected to decline by -4.9 percent in…
Why Reopening Isn’t Enough To Save The Economy
This article provides key insights of a blockbuster study that was dropped late last week by a gang of economists led by Harvard's Raj Chetty.
The Great Lockdown Through a Global Lens
The Great Lockdown is expected to play out in three phases, first as countries enter the lockdown, then as they exit, and finally as they escape the lockdown when there is a medical…