How Rising Interest Rates Could Affect Emerging Markets
Emerging and developing economies are viewing rising interest rates with trepidation. Most of them are facing a slower economic recovery than advanced economies because of longer waits for vaccines and limited space for…
Bank lending rates and spreads in EMDEs: Evolution, drivers, and policies
Banks dominate credit intermediation and savings mobilization in most emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). As bank lending interest rates and the lending-deposit interest spreads capture the efficiency with which banks allocate society’s…
How COVID-19 will Increase Inequality in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
Despite the pre-pandemic gains in poverty reduction and lifespans, many of the EMDEs have struggled to reduce income inequality. At the same time, they saw persistently high shares of inactive youth (i.e., not…
COVID-19 Response in Emerging Market Economies: Conventional Policies and Beyond
The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on emerging market economies far exceeded that of the global financial crisis. Unlike previous crises, the response has been decisive just like in advanced economies. Yet,…
COVID-19 Crushes Global Economy but Emerging Markets are in Bigger Troubles
By 2021, it is of high expectation that the world will return to normalcy, and economies around the world should recover from the adverse effect of coronavirus spread. However, emerging markets may continue…
Reopening from the Great Lockdown: Uneven and Uncertain Recovery
Compared to the April World Economic Outlook forecast, the IMF now projects a deeper recession in 2020 and a slower recovery in 2021. Global output is projected to decline by -4.9 percent in…