Significant Effect Of Motorists’ Conception Of FRSC On Their Compliance With Traffic Rules
1.1 Background of the Study
Transport plays a key role in any given society at any given time. Transport is concerned with the movement of people, goods and services from one point to another for either personal or business purposes. There are two major elements that are critical in transport movement; first is the infrastructural facilities like roads and railways and the second is the operation of transport vehicles like trucks, cars, trains, buses and motorcycles. The demand for transport is a derived one in the sense that it originates from the needs of human. For example, to travel to places of work, schools, markets and the needs of business like moving industrial raw materials and manufactured products. Transport therefore plays the role of providing satisfaction of some basic human needs (Bamford, 1998).
From a social point of view, it is through transport that members of a society can access job opportunities, health services, education services and food items essential for survival (World Bank, 2002). Hoyle (1973) noted that the interaction between the level and pattern of transport resources and the average level of living standards of members of society in a particular area is a crucial factor affecting their economic and social progress. This is true especially in urban centres and cities in the low and middle-income countries in the world. There is a mutual relationship between changes in transportation technology and the growth of cities (Hall, 1992). The transport system in a significant way shapes the growth of urban centres and cities but on the other hand such growth can constrain the transportation alternatives that are available. Cities and emerging urban centres rely heavily on an efficient and effective system that ensures the constant supply of goods and services.
1.4 Research Objectives
The objectives of this research work are to know if motorists’ conception of FRSC have significant effect on their compliance with traffic rules. The specific objectives are to:
i). find out the conception of FRSC among motorists plying Ilorin – Omu Aran transport corridor.
ii). know the level of motorists’ compliance with traffic rules in Ilorin – Omu Aran transport corridor.
iii). ascertain if motorists’ conception of FRSC have significant effect on their compliance with traffic rules.