Moments From Our Analysis Master Class 3.0
On 11th and 12th of January 2019, we had the pleasure of hosting students and research enthusiasts to the third edition of our analysis master class. The class focused majorly on the use of Eviews, SPSS and Microsoft Excel for data analysis.
Using Eviews, we made specific focus on analyzing single equation time series data. In doing that, we made the participants know the importance of carrying out pre estimation tests before embarking on the appropriate methods of analysis because it is a common mistake among researchers to be using arbitrary methods of analysis without testing the nature of the data gathered. The participants were also taught about the post estimation techniques in order to know if their model follows a normal distribution, is stable, does not have serial correlation as well as the problem of heteroscedascity.
With SPSS, the participants were taught about questionnaire design, advantages, disadvantages as well as ethics in drafting questionnaires in order to attract the best opinions and answers from the respondents. Furthermore, the respondents were taught on how to code their questions manually into SPSS as well as importing an excel file into SPSS for analysis. In the methods of analysis, the regression analysis, t-test, chi-square, correlation and ANOVA were taught.

With Microsoft Excel, the participants were taught how to perform basic calculations in excel, use v-look up, filter, conditional formatting as well as cleaning duplicate data. In addition to that, the students were also taught how to create stellar charts, ethics in creating the charts as well as creating a dashboard. The dashboard created was on comparing Nigeria’s Global Competitive Index with some selected countries in Africa.

This is in line with our vision of training 1,000 students and research enthusiasts by 2025 on the use of Microsoft Excel, SPSS, Eviews and STATA for research and data analysis purpose.